Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Capitalism theater

I'm just about tired of hearing people go on and on about how capitalism doesn't work pointing to the current economic problems as proof.  Real capitalism is a meritocracy whereby people work smart and hard.  In real capitalism people get to keep what they earn and they control it in all ways.  The concept of private property is a core value of real capitalism.  Armed with their own money, people who were smart enough to earn it on a level playing field are then free to invest their savings in the growth of the country.  The work of millions of smart and hard working people acting in their own self interest results in rapid advances for society as a whole.

Contrast that to the scam which is going on today - crony capitalism.  In crony capitalism the government uses its control over a dishonest money supply to create a tilted playing field that favors friends of government.  How does this work?  In its simplest form, government creates money from thin air and loans it to "special people" at rock bottom rates.  Those people turn around and re-lend it to the rest of us at a tidy profit.  Imagine the profits that could be made if someone gave you something that you didn't have to work for and allowed you to keep all the money made from renting it to other people!  Of course, this is just the visible tip of the iceberg.  What's harder to see is all the government guarantees of private investing (gambling) that are in place.  The bank bail outs were just part of it.  The guarantees go beyond the financial.  If the oligarchs are ever at real risk of losing control to the patsies then there is always the police state backup plan.  Roll your eyes if you like but they didn't build thousands of FEMA camps surrounded by fences and barbed wire for nothing.  They stand empty and ready for whatever their intended purpose is.

Crony capitalism destroys the concept of a meritocracy and thus outs itself as not being real capitalism.  It is capitalism theater.  With real capitalism there is the concept of private ownership.  Again we have ownership theater in this county.  Government tells you that if you take out a home mortgage to buy a house then you are a homeowner.  In truth you are a homedebtor.  Even if you pay the whole mortgage, government still owns your home and charges you an annual fee to live there.  If you don't pay up, they repossess your home.  It's called property tax.  Even the banks are not really private anymore.  Today the Federal Reserve rejected Bank of America's "request" to increase its dividend.  In other words, government controls what is supposed to be an asset which is privately held by the people.  Never mind if you think it is a good idea or not given that BofA is an insolvent crony bank.  The fact is that the government would not have this power in a real capitalism system yet it clearly does have the power.

The thing which changed American capitalism into crony capitalism was the adoption of a dishonest money supply based on fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.  Money is so pervasive in society that when the money turns corrupt and dishonest it drags the rest of us along for the ride.  Nothing is ever going to truly change in this country until we end the Federal Reserve which is the chief Ponzi operator for our dishonest money supply.
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