Monday, April 11, 2011

George Soros: Keep digging the economic grave until the shovel breaks off in your hand...

Business Insider's headline reads "George Soros says The US should take on more debt and not be obsessed with budget cuts".  I personally think Soros is quite intelligent but I question his motives.  Intelligence does not automatically imply integrity.  The US does not need more debt.  It is drowning in debt and unfunded obligations which are really just another form of debt.  So why is Soros suggesting that we should just take on more debt?   

Of course, the good sounding cover story is that if we don't continue piling on the debt then it will lead to recession.  I guess George is willing for us to dig a deeper ditch for tomorrow in order to avoid pain today.  Gee, thanks a lot, György.  Soros himself says that we can currently absorb more debt to keep the economy going (is an economy that needs debt to maintain the status quo a real economy??) but that having too much debt in a recession is called a debt trap.  So it appears that his strategy is for us to continue using debt to goose the economy and then when we can no longer play this game we will have a lot of debt as the economy falls back into a recession.  In other words, Soros appears to be trying to talk us into the perfect setup for a debt trap.

So why would Soros do this?  Well, Soros is a known globalist, someone who believes that having a single overarching world government would solve all the ills of war and conflict, etc.  Soros also knows that individual sovereigns have a lot to lose if they cede control to global super sovereigns.  Because of this, people living a big country like the US are not likely to want to put themselves under the control of some global organization.  The people have to be maneuvered and manipulated into agreeing to something like this and that requires a crisis or multiple crises of some sort.  It requires US leaders and others like Soros to sell the people out.  Thus, it seems, Soros would like the US to spend itself into oblivion in order to create a crisis which would convince the American people to cede its sovereignty to some larger global organization.  Dear Mr. Soros, how do you say "con man" in Esperanto?

Of course, claims that one world government will solve anything are bogus and disingenuous.  They are just more Wimpy Promises.  Look at all the problems the PIIGS have because they joined the EU.   They had to give up control of their own money supplies which made it impossible for them to weasel out of their debts via inflation.  Now, unless they exit the EU, they will be debt slaves to Germany and France.  Soros likes central control because he assumes he will be at the top level of the pyramid, standing on the shoulders of billions of little people below him.  Soros likes central control because he believes it will allow him and his cohorts to treat everyone like debt slaves, serfs, and inferiors.

If this is Soro's goal then I think he is reading far too much sheepleness into the American people.  An awakening is already occurring and it can be seen on all of the social media that is not controlled by corporate interests.  Yes, there are a lot of Americans who have given their lives over to government control.  They believe that they cannot survive without support of the welfare state.  Those are the people who are being targeted by the globalists.  Those are the people to whom promises are being made and against whom threats are being levied.  But there are just too many strong willed independent, freedom loving Americans still standing in order for the Welfare Statists to have their way with ceding American sovereignty and I think the younger generation trends toward independence.  In addition, many of the welfare statists have been promised things which they will indeed not be receiving.  As soon as they don't get what they were promised they are at risk of waking up to the fact that they have been made patsies and fools.  Such a realization will not engender their continued support of the globalist agenda. 

Soros and his ilk might be successful in talking us into spending ourselves into economic oblivion but then we will just start over, still independent, never agreeing to global control.  It's either that or a new American revolution will occur.  In that case who do you think has the advantage: wimpy statists who have ignored their 2nd amendment rights and who have tried to get others to give them up or the rest of us who are literally armed and diligent?  Hint: don't bring sophistry and guile and con games to a gun fight.
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