Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mother of all slippery slopes for France and Germany

The news reports that the con men (and women) who are running things in Euroland are thinking about creating a new "Eurozone Government".  This borders on hilarious for anyone who can see though the noise.  The scam of it is so obvious.  Desperate con men are doing desperate things to stay in power.  Their economic Ponzi is collapsing and so their answer to it is to consolidate and to concentrate power.  Please indulge me as I write an open letter to the working people of France and Germany:

Dear Good Peoples of France and Germany,

   I write to you today in a spirit of global kinship.  I have to tell you that I have always known that the EU was a scam and that the very concept of using exports as a profit generation mechanism is also an unsustainable scam.  It sounds good on paper if you ignore math and common sense but if you understand organized crime and fraud then it all makes perfect sense.  Welcome to your wake up call.

   Many of us have been conned as the fiat currency and fractional currency scam has been allowed to run wild but perhaps the most conned among us were the hard working exporters who were talked into working 12-14 hour days in order to be hyper-productive such that you could afford a nice retirement off the excess labor of your productive youthful work.  This story sounds good but look at the reality: your products went to people who chose not to work as hard as you did.  In exchange, they gave you worthless colored Euro notes.  Now those notes are being devalued as a matter of policy by your government.  You will never get to see that plush retirement because the whole thing was one big scam.  We have all been lied to by the proponents of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.

   Sorry, folks, you have been conned.  They only thing to do after you realize this is to write off the losses (the money is already gone...) and then stem further losses by going after your leaders who were complicit with the scam the whole entire time.  Do you think they didn't know where this was going a long time ago?  Do you  really think they care about you?  Really??  Regardless of anything that has already happened in the past, what you absolutely must not do going forward is to allow them to form a super multi-sovereign government in the name of getting your debt paid some day.  All that will do is to throw your sovereignty and your freedom out the window right along with your lost investment.  Under no circumstances should you let the same fraking con men who got you into this mess make any more decisions or determinations about your futures.

   There is no question that the German and French people are the productivity powerhouses of Euroland but if you let your "leaders" (aka con men and liars) give away your sovereignty to some super-Euro sovereign then, folks, you deserve exactly what you are going to get out of it.  Your vote will no longer count and what you say will no longer matter because the con men will make decisions "for the greater good" which really means "for their own corrupt sake".  It will be a complete disaster because these people are just maneuvering to stay in power after already having failed at proper political management.

   This is the truth of the matter.  What comes next is up to you.  Your best bet is to cut your losses, run the con men who are leading you into their bureaucratic utopia out of town and trust in yourselves instead of in them.  All they do is promise and lie anyway.  How many times do they have to prove it to you before you wake up?

Most sincerely and wishing you the best of everything life has to offer,
- The Captain

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