Sunday, September 18, 2011

On the US "Day Of Rage"

Russia Today reported on the so called US Day Of Rage which was supposed to have some unfathomable link to the days of rage in the middle east.  The goal was to get some protesters to gather in the Wall Street district and camp there as they did in Spain, etc.  While it's good to see people trying to get involved, rage is ridiculous.  Rage accomplishes nothing unless you are willing to tear down the whole country.  Egypt, Libya, etc. are screwed for years to come as they usher out one strong armed con man and quickly install another loser.  Example"NTC (rebel) military spokesman Ahmed Bani has given Gaddafi loyalists an ultimatum: join the ranks of the new authorities, or be considered traitors."  All that can be expected of the new regime coming to power is just more strong arm tactics.  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.  Rage is not the answer.  Rage makes you do things without knowing why, without having clear goals and without considering the implications of your actions.  Rage blinds you to the truth.  I didn't say that there is never a time for violence because sometimes it is unavoidable.  But do it in a calm and calculated way if there is no other choice and not because you are enraged.

So now that we are calm again, let's look at the facts.  Those who are venting against Wall Street complain that some small percentage of the people have way too high a percentage of the wealth.  This is true.  Of course, these short sighted people don't realize that this is what 90% of the world is saying about the average American!  Many around the world live in fox holes while we live in single family dwellings that are, for the most part, modern and safe.  We have nice cars and roads and restaurants and all manner of luxuries that people elsewhere do not have.  Most Americans foolishly consider this their birthright.  If Wall Streeters should be ashamed of their prowess in gaming the system then I guess we should all be ashamed of our individual prosperity and just give it away, huh?  Well of course not!  In the minds of the uneducated protesters, it's only "them" that have too much and they want the government to help us steal it from "them".

And so here is the truth of the matter.  Wall Street is filled with some of the smartest, hardest working, most focused people on the planet.  Competition is fierce there and only the strong survive.  Yes, they view everyone else as game to be hunted but hey, that is the mindset of the Alpha Male.  That mindset exists wherever highly successful people are.  Look at a guy like Steve Jobs.  By all accounts, he is a tyrant.  But what a productive tyrant he was!  Face it: playing around all day and not worrying too much about being productive and enjoying your life instead of focusing on making money is not the path to financial success and those who live like this should not be jealous of those who are spending their lives making money.  It's everyone's choice how to live their lives.

Since you are open minded enough to have read this far into my post then you deserve kudos because too many people stop reading as soon as the opinions expressed don't back up their herd-think.  Up until now, my post has probably sounded very pro-Wall Street, pro "capitalism" when in fact I think that those working on Wall Street are mainly con men and that we have not had real capitalism for decades in this country (only crony capitalism).  But "con man" does not imply "stupid person" and in fact, generally quite the opposite.  Only the most clever and insightful can ever be good con men.  They would probably excel at almost anything they put their minds to.  So I wanted to give Wall Streeter's their just due.  Fair is fair even if you don't like the sound of it.

And now to the real truth, that which very few of the protesters around the world have any clue about: the best and brightest become con men because it pays the best to be a con man when the money supply is corrupt and can be so easily gamed.  The real culprit is not the Wall Street worker but rather the corrupt money supply which enables Wall Street to spirit value out of the economy without having done any productive work to achieve it.  PERIOD.  If you want to know what to really blame, it would be none other than fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.  Without these fraudulent concepts, Wall Street would self-dissolve (not completely, just to the right size) in an orderly fashion.  The smart but morally challenged con men would go off and do other things where they could best ply their God-given talents in economically productive endeavors to provide for themselves and their families.  They are not inherently evil but they do lack the moral character to avoid doing immoral things when it is dangled in front of them (same as most of us!).  When viewed logically and without rage, it only makes sense that what has happened must happen given the nature of man. 

Let me put it another way.  If a strong man is at war with a weak man, and the physically weak man dies during the battle, was the strong man wrong to have killed him?  Well, it depends on your personal viewpoint but America as a whole seems to believe this is perfectly normal and natural.  Might makes right, especially during war.  But let's say you have personal concerns about this.  In that case, do you blame the strong man for being strong, or do you blame the fact that some a$$hole in government demanded that there be a war in the first place?  Should a strong man just lay down his weapon and take one in the head given that he is caught up in the war even though he didn't start it?  I think not.  Everyone has been given certain gifts in varying quantities: physical strength, health, longevity, intelligence, stamina, etc.  It is the nature of man to use these gifts in every possible way to better his personal condition and it is at the very heart of the concept of freedom that he be allowed to do so.  If you don't want people doing a certain thing, don't set the basic rules of the game up so as to encourage it!

Well, Wall Street bankers view it as a war too.  They think they are soldiers.  Most of them had no hand in creating or perpetuating fiat currency nor did they create the policy of fractional reserve banking.  But by gum if these fraudulent policies are the law of the land then their sole mission is to leverage the crap out of it before someone else does.  And yes, if Wall Street were not leading the con, someone else would be.  Maybe the UK or Russia or China, but it would be someone.

So the correct answer is not to go after the Wall Street combatants but rather to strike at the root of the problem which is the fraudulent money supply.  Nothing will ever get fixed until that occurs.  Without fixing that, the only thing that will happen is periodic changing of who is the dictator.  Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!  This whole monetary system is owned and operated by the Federal Reserve.  They are, for those who will shun ignorance and suspend disbelief, the monetary equivalent of military warmongers.  When the protesters surround the Federal Reserve building and tell Ben Bernanke to get out either on his feet or on a stretcher, that is when I will stop accusing the protesters of being ignorant, misguided fools.  When they shut the Federal Reserve down forever and demand a return to honest money and the demise of fractional reserve credit then I will hail them as enlightened souls.  Don't get me wrong: I do love them for their passion.  I do love the fact that the sheeple are starting to grow a pair.  But damn it people, EDUCATE YOURSELVES before you go off on "days of rage" which will only result in needless injuries, damage to property and the strengthening of the police state. 

If you want to start educating yourself, read Ron Paul's book, "End the Fed".

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