Sunday, January 29, 2012

George Soros: cowardly elitist running scared.

Deflation is starting to leave a mark on the global Military Industrial Complex (Eisenhower's buzz phrase for the unholy alliance between military, government, corporations and banks).  In a recent interview, Soros warned that the world was at risk of societal collapse and about the rise of evil.  For many, these will be seen as scary words since they are coming from a man who is so rich and powerful and connected.  The common logic is that men like this likely see and hear a heck of a lot more than the average guy on the street.

Unfortunately, Soros might end up being right about where we are headed.  In late November 2007 I finally figured out what was going on thanks to straight talk from people like Ron Paul, Mike Shedlock, Peter Schiff, Robert Prechter and a host of others who were in no way fooled by the babble coming from the con men running the show.  I began writing family first and then friends and then, starting a couple years ago, this blog.  It didn't take much research to figure out that civil unrest often results when the fraudulent scam of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking finally goes bust as it eventually always does.

But Soros, being an elitist moneyman and a card carrying co-conspirator of the con, wants to tell only half the story.  He basically says that if we don't "do something" to stop the collapse of the con that everyone will suffer the consequences.  He is basically telling us that his fraudulent con is too big to fail.  Unfortunately for him, it's waaaaaay too big and too corrupt to bail.  Soros and others like him are part of an organized global crime syndicate which use the fraudulent concepts of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking to steal from others the wealth produced by their hard work.  When the criminals overpower the victims and there is nobody left to fleece, how can the criminal organization remain intact?  Mathematically, it cannot.  This is why the scam is collapsing and for no other reason: all the patsies have been fleeced.  Easily fooled people are now getting very, very hard to come by.  You really can't con all of the people all of the time and at some point during the collapse of the scam, you can't con anyone.

In truth, people like Soros got us here in the first place.  They convinced the ignorant that true growth was possible using debt.  The fraudulent money supply was leveraged up by scum like him so that he could somehow amass wealth that was millions of times bigger than what the average working man could hope to achieve.  Thinking people have to ask themselves how this could possibly happen in a fair economy.  After all, under true capitalism, wealth is supposed to be derived from hard work and, even better, working hard at smart things.  But what has Soros done for society??  He sits in his big office and looks down on the rest of us as he wallows in piles of cash which he did not earn honestly.  Note that I am not accusing him of criminal behavior.  But it's easy to legally do dishonest things when the laws themselves have been bastardized from those set in place by the U.S. Constitution. 

Once gold and silver coins were displaced by paper money, it was a free-for-all for the likes of Soros.  They understood how to game the system.  They understood how to leverage up using massive credit.  The result was that they "earned" galactic-sized profits without doing nearly enough productive work to deserve them.  It is no different from a con man who works very, very  hard at ripping off his fellow man.  It is not fair to say that the con man doesn't work.  The con man is in fact very skilled after years of hard work perfecting his chosen trade.  But it is not productive work.  It is parasitic.  Everything that people like Soros has was taken from society via guile, sophistry, leverage and the art of the con.

People like Soros have gamed society and the economy.  They have stolen all the wealth out the back door and left instead a debt ridden house of cards from a moral and economic perspective.  All we have left is the appearance of normalcy and even that is beginning to collapse around the edges on the global stage.  Now the elitists are starting to figure out the real cost of their scam and they are beginning to fear for their own lives and for their ill-begotten gains.  They fear the revolt of the patsy.  They talk as if they are worried for us all but they are selfish a$$holes who were never concerned for anyone but themselves.  They grabbed money and power and control and now, at this late stage, they finally fear they have gone too far.

As the con crumbles, keep in mind that this is actually a return to honesty and truth.  The fact that it will be a painful transition does not change that fact.  Madoff victims could have deluded themselves about their wealth but it did not change the fact that their money was already gone.  They were patsies in the scam waiting (without knowing it) for the truth to be revealed.  The reveal could be delayed but not forever.  No scam ever lasted forever.  Soros is only warning us now because he wants to be thought of as a truth teller.  He hopes that this distraction will stop people from wanting to string him up in the streets.  Sorry George, the streets are waiting for you and for people like you.  The streets are patient.  The streets are not forgiving and they will not forget.  The hard street is not so easily distracted as you might have deluded yourself into believing.  If you are worried about your own evil history finally catching up with you then maybe it's time to find a spider hole someplace.  While you are at it, take your fellow con men like Greenspan and Bernanke with you in addition to present and past CEOs of Goldman Sachs.  You don't want to perish alone like Saddam and Ghadaffi, do you?

Here is the bottom line that everyone needs to figure out.  Debt based growth is a scam.  Government controlled economy is a scam because it is also debt based control.  There will always be evil men.  There will always be those who would rather work harder at screwing their fellow man than spending that same effort doing something productive and good.  As these people get ahead, they crowd out the honest players.  At some point, all that is left are the con men and scammers.  Everyone else has been pushed out or wiped out.  But you can't con a con and so their practice of making a living by scamming others must come to an end.  Fiat currency and fractional reserve banking are the stock in trade of the economic con man.  Without the ability to count on a dishonest money supply to be able to game, the scammers wither and die leaving the hard working and honest to again claim their rightful status in society.  Deflation is the collapse of the con.  Deflation is the revenge of the honest saver.  Deflation is good and is in fact the normal state of human economics.  Only the intervention of con men changes this, but they cannot fight nature forever.  There will always come a reversion to the mean.  We are on the brink of this right now.  Anyone who fears deflation and instead welcomes inflation is either a formal or unwitting agent of the con.

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