Thursday, May 23, 2013

Schism between paper metals and real metals increases; the herd is awakened.

While the con men running the show try to fool everyone into losing confidence in the metals markets, it seems that they are only affecting the paper representation of metals.  Prove it to yourself by searching eBay for recent, real gold and silver sales.  Here is an example, an auction that just now ended:

In it, a 1oz silver phil just went for $32.20.  Ebay is the ultimate market for physical metals with immediate delivery.  There is no such thing as “cash settlement” or “I own it but you store it for me” with Ebay.  No games.  Cash and carry.  And despite the recent metals takedown, Ebay sales of bullion coins are still very strong and they are maintaining their prices.  I see this as strong evidence that the paper price of metals is being manipulated downward in order to scare the herd but that the herd is beginning to stare down the lions.  By continuing to buy silver at the former, higher price, the herd is saying “we don’t believe you” to the paper peddlers.  This is another sign that the con game collapse is intensifying because the herd never voluntarily overpays for anything.  The herd is cheap, cheap, cheap.  The con men who are watching this go down should be getting nervous because of this.  I don’t think for one second that they are missing this fact.   

I am not surprised to see this schism happening between spot silver (the paper price of wholesale silver) and real silver or the similar but less dramatic difference between spot gold and physical gold.   I have written on several occasions that it would eventually come to this: a crisis of confidence in the con game leading to an increasing gap between the value of fake paper promises and real money.  The herd is no longer docile.  It is questioning everything now, including the real value of physical gold and silver vs. paper assets.    

The loss of confidence and the new “staring down” is not limited to the metals markets by any means.  As evidence of this claim, check out the recent IRS debacle.  The herd is demanding jail time, not retraining, apologies, hand slaps, suspensions, etc. as the con men would normally have been able to get away with.   We will soon see the con men rolling over on each other.  There will be initial resistance, of course, in the hopes that the herd will get tired of chasing and give up like it always seems to do.  The predators count on this.  It is part of their strategy.  But when the herd is finally pissed and fully awake, it suddenly changes modes.  It becomes an attack system, well organized and not easily put off.  I think we have finally reached that stage. 
In the IRS scandal, Lois Lerner of the IRS recently took the 5th before Congress.  Guilty is as guilty does.  While she repeated several times that she had broken no rules and committed no crimes, she did not say that she did not think others had done so.  That is the question that she does not want to perjure herself for.  Obama himself said that the only people who don’t want to disclose the truth are those with something to hide.  If that logic is good for the public then it should be good for the government.  Because that logic was crammed down the people’s throats, it will be applied to government.  As arms are twisted, the con men will begin to squeal like the pigs that they are and there will be disclosures which some will find shocking.  The main reason for the shock will be because most of the herd does not understand that our government is one big mass of competing organized crime families, all trying to figure out how to screw the American people in their own ways.  We’ve given them powers that are far beyond the limited government defined by the constitution and so, true to human form, they have abused it in order to get something for nothing from their fellow man. 

These are not normal times.  With the funny money system headed for collapse, the herd is going to have its revenge.  It will not be pretty.  The main issue here will be how hard the con men try to fight their fate.  If they get really desperate (and I think they might), they could even cause another big 911 style false flag operation.  That would be a huge, huge mistake.  They think they got away with it on 911 but they really didn’t.  Too many people know the truth and are just waiting for their chance at payback.  If they play that card again there will be a full investigation this time and it will not be swept under the carpet like the 911 false flag operation was.  If they try it again, even the most trusting of the herd will finally figure out what is going on and when they do they will be even more pissed than those of us who figured out the first time was a scam operation by government against the people.  Again, I think it’s coming and it will coincide with the collapse of the fake global monetary system.  After the collapse the main things that we need to achieve are a return to limited, constitutional government and the elimination of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.  If we get that, we will deserve the next 200 years of prosperity that are ours for the taking.

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