Saturday, October 19, 2013

In the USA, everything is becoming a felony.

I've been saying it for years: the US is criminalizing everything.  Everyone is responsible for some offense at some point in their lives.  But the government makes sure you are a felon when they get a hold of it.  If three rednecks push a boulder over, it's no longer called playing in the dirt.  It's now the destruction of a priceless 200 million year old geological formation and of course, it's likely a felony.  No matter that all the other 200 million year old geological formations are all crapped out on the ground in the background.  This little bit of rock is somehow special and sacred.  Was it really a smart thing to do?  Of course not.  The rednecks simply didn't understand the huge value of that special chunk of rock.

And then there are the teenage girls who said nasty things to one of their classmates.  In this "bullying" episode, the poor victim committed suicide.  Sad as this certainly is, not everyone is going to make it in life.  If your skin is so very thin then something is going to push you over the edge sooner or later.  But now the two girls who made the comments, who are aged 12 and 14, have been arrested and charged with, yes you guessed it, felonies.  I wonder now.  What if a 5 year old kid kicks the cat or the dog.  Is that also felony animal abuse?

Face it, the government wants everyone to be a felon so that they can have legal control over our lives and our money.

Unless of course you are a left leaning sports figure like Bill Russell.  If so, then it's possible to bring a loaded gun with you in your carry on luggage and all that will happen is you will get "arrested" and then given a citation and released.  Look how the news media tries to downplay it.  Folks, if that was anyone but some big well known and dare I say black (yes, I dare say it) sports legend then that person would be guilty of a felony big time.  I mean big, big time.  As in, they call you a potential enemy combatant and start throwing the book at you, page at a time.  I'm guessing they already gave Mr. Russell his gun back.  After all, no hard, no foul when you are a friend of Obama (Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom back in 2011).

Of course, the police are allowed to literally execute crazy people in the streets without any problem unless they just happen to get caught on CCTV cameras like these ones did.  You have to see the video.  They walked up to a crazy guy who was sitting in a chair in the street.  The crazy rolls back several feet in his chair and the cops follow him.  The cops stood 20+ feet away from the man, well out of harm's way.  Then within a few seconds of the guy standing up, they shot him down in cold blood right in the street.  They shot to kill.  Thanks for protecting the people there guys.  Well done.

If it were an isolated event then it might be one thing.  But it happens again and again.  Here is a video of an LA cop who approached a suspect.  The suspect fled.  The cop pursued him shooting at him 6 times and hitting him in the back several times.  The suspect goes down to the ground, obviously mortally wounded.  The cop walks up and pumps another round into him to ensure he cannot tell his side of the story.  The victim died.  Anyone who does not see a pattern of police state corrupt here is playing ostrich.

I know a lot of people who look at all of this and have no sympathy for those in the sights of the corrupt government.  All I can do for these people is repeat the writing of Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

One day, you nanny state fools, one day they will come for you or someone that you care about.  You will whine and cry about how unfair it is and how you are getting screwed in the deal, blah blah blah.  Nanny statists only learn from their own bad experience.  They simply ignore it when it happens to someone else, always believing every lying word that dribbles from the mouth of the paid killers.

It is foolish to allow government to divide and conquer the people like this but it is happening daily nonetheless.  I caution the powers that be to chill out because I sense the herd is approaching a breaking point.  Too much nanny state authoritarianism will eventually be met with outright revolt. At least that is the lesson of history.  Nobody wants it so slow down fellas.

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