Tuesday, November 12, 2013

If only these poor people were able to defend themselves.

Reports emerged today that North Korea performed a mass execution of 80 political and religious rule breakers.  While not yet confirmed, you don't get these kinds of reports from N. Korea every day so it is likely to be true.  Those killed were apparently "guilty" of watching South Korean TV programs and having Bibles in their possession.

I feel very sorry for these people while at the same time immensely proud of and grateful for the US constitution that gives every citizen the right to keep and bear arms.  It is easy for government bullies to round up unarmed people and to torture and kill them.  They can do it for sport if they please.  They can treat their livestock however they want to.  This is what separates free men and women from those which are no more than livestock.

For those who think such things could never happen in the US, think about it for a minute.  Are the North Korean people so very different from us?  Are their people simply stupid, weak, timid and of a lower overall class than Americans are?  Are their leaders inherently more evil?  You've seen Obama and Bush in action.  All they do is work on ways to grab more power.  If they had ultimate power over the people, would they not eventually lord it over us and use it to threaten and intimidate us "for the greater good"?  

Of course they would.  Did US slave owners beat their slaves?  Did they kill them if they wanted to?  Did they force them into labor and rape their women and sell their children?   Yes, they did.  WE DID THAT.  We Americans.  So don't tell me that it is not in our DNA.  Don't tell me that we are evolved above that.  It is human nature to get something for nothing in any way possible and enslavement of those who cannot defend themselves is one of the easiest and most time tested mechanisms for achieving this economic nirvana.

  • Obama would do it if he could.
  • Bush 2 would have as well.  He would have "eliminated your freedom in order to save you from it".
  • I don't know about Clinton but these guys don't write their own scripts.  Clinton was a dirty con man.
  • Bush 1 would have done it with a shitty little smirk on his face.  He's a western Kim Dung Ill (sic)
  • Reagan would have done it but with a respectful "I'm truly sorry it has to be this way". 
  • Carter?  Who knows what Carter was thinking.
  • Ford was 2nd string.  He would have done what he was told.
  • Nixon, absolutely.  He would have invented new ways to to it.
  • Johnson was a warmonger of the worst kind.  One day we will find out his role in JFK's death.
Future presidents may or may not turn into raving, mass murdering psychos like Dennis Rodman's Friend For Life is.  The difference of whether or not it happens has less to do with the supposed character of our leaders than it does with the opportunity (or lack thereof).  An armed populace is a fearsome thing to anyone who would try to enslave it.  Those of you who do not keep and bear arms should at least know who does.  One day your life might depend on their protection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a gun good for if all rounds were bought by the state? What's a a gun good for when before an armored SWAT car it's like a pea-shot? What's a gun good for when a drone is shooting at you? What's a gun good for when your soldier cousin comes with his battalion to enforce a curfew? All these things are happening in America, formerly known as the land of the free, home of the brave.

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