Friday, January 10, 2014

JPM very likely in 5th wave throwover ending diagonal.

I pretty much know an ending diagonal when I see one and I see one forming in JP Morgan shares:

Below is more detail of what I am modeling for JPM, the strongest of the strongly corrupted banks, the master global metals manipulator, the government insider trading co-king (a title shared with Goldman Sachs).  Nobody is saying anything bad about JPM right now.  The institutions are scooping it up with both hands for your IRA, 401k and pension funds.  They are loading you down with all the risk while you pay them via fund management feeds to bend you over the log.  Get out of the system folks.  That's all I can say.  It is a con and it is in the final stages. 

When it collapses, let it not be said that nobody saw it coming.  Many Austrian followers have known it was inevitable and it was left to EW practitioners to try to model when.  Predictions are tough, as it is often said, especially about the future.  But this one is not very difficult IMO.  The banks were nothing before the credit Ponzi made them the most important "industry" on the planet.  In truth, there is really no industry in them at all as they produce nothing and have no consumable product, they are just a bunch of corrupt scammers. When the scam falls apart, they will collapse into nothingness and their leaders will be hated, hunted and persecuted in a way that nobody today believes is possible.  Suspend disbelief.

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