Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wolf won, jackbooted police thugs lost.

In this post from late last year I wrote:

"When the great fractional reserve credit scam collapses, the herd is going to make a dramatic transition from being a flock of sheeple into looking more like a pack of wolves.   Patsies that are so common today will become as rare as hen's teeth.  Strange as it might be to say, I expect the police state to be getting whacked along with socialism as the fraudulent money supply continues to face increasingly existential threats.   Sheeple put up with jackbooted cops.  Wolves won’t. Fraudulent money printing and Ponzi Pension Promises support an expanding bureaucratic police state.  Conservative work-for-what-you-get society will purge these excesses not by desire but rather by necessity."

Today I read that in the great state of Texas that a private citizen defended his home from a bunch of jackbooted thugs going after a few personal use pot plants.  The thugs happened to be the a$$hole police and one of them did not go home to his family after the encounter.  The private citizen was quick on the draw and apparently snuffed one of the intruders before they could murder him and his dog (they often shoot your dog for fun). 

As I sit here wiping away nonexistent tears that never came for the departed cop, I marvel in the fact that the citizen was not executed after the fact for "trying to escape" or "found dead in his cell" like so many others have before him.  I double-marvel at the fact that the jury did not automatically side with the police despite the evidence like they normally do.  This should be a wake up call for all jackbooted police a$$hats.  You are nothing, zero, without force of law to hide behind.  In a pack that is hiding behind force of law you are tough.  One at a time you are a bunch of pussies and without force of law, well, many of you are just street trash by nature.

But if the law will not always see it your way, what then?  This time the citizen beat the rap but what about next time?  Maybe next time YOU go to jail for the unrighteous shoot.  That is what is coming, cops and if you have never read these pages before, I'll explain it to you in simple terms:  you never had the right to do all those things that you and your buddies have been getting away with.  But as long as the credit was flowing, as long as the herd had full stomachs and low day to day stress, it was more than willing to look the other way.  Unfortunately for you, the global credit Ponzi is in the collapse stage.  Nobody will admit it right now, but the global economy teeters on the brink as I write this.  It's all going to swirl the bowl and the herd is picking up on that.  If my EW charts are correct, it could begin to happen this year, perhaps a lot sooner than many think possible.  When you hear about "contagion" you will know what I am talking about.

Now that life is getting difficult for the middle class, they are a LOT less likely to side with anything that the establishment puts out.  In fact, quite soon the people will complain about everything that the establishment does.  When this happens, the politicians will serve you cops up like supper to the hungry wolves.  The people used to be sheeple but hunger and wanting will turn them into wolves.  The politicians will side with the voters every time.  They will sell your sorry a$$es down the river just as soon as they have to in order to remain in their cushy jobs.

You boys better re-evaluate your act RIGHT NOW.  Don't even think about going after minor personal use drug crap.  Don't you know that pot is legal in WA and CO now?  If so, why is it a good idea for you to kick in someone's door about it in TX?  That flies in the face of common sense and it puts innocent lives in jeopardy FOR NOTHING.  You boys will increasingly find an AR 15 begin blasting in your direction if the door is kicked open in the middle of the night.  It's coming.  People who feel they have lost everything and have nothing left to lose "lose it".  So saith Gerald Celente who I think is a pretty savvy customer.  Worse yet, the jury will decreasingly side with the establishment and increasingly side with the people.  Look at all the massive fines that JP Morgan is having to pony up almost weekly these days.  I expect Jury Nullification to get real popular over the next 10 years.

You've been warned boys.  Don't say that you hadn't heard.

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