Sunday, July 20, 2014

Amazing chart of the final stage of the 100 year debt Ponzi.

Ever since its inception, the entire goal of the Federal Reserve has been to get people to take on debt.  Indebted people are called slaves.  If you own the money supply then the people are indebted to you and thus become your slaves.  It is pure evil genius to enslave a planet without the people even realizing that they hold the key to their own prison cell.

This plan took time to execute but the con men were patient.  First they stole the gold of the public using the gold confiscation scam of FDR.  Then over time they worked to debase the money supply, removing all gold certificates, silver certificates from circulation.  Then they removed the precious metals from the coinage.  Then, after having finished debasing the internal money supply to worthlessness, they finally in 1971 debased the external valuation of dollar to zero.  Up until that point, foreign governments could turn in paper notes and exchange them for gold.  After 1971 a helpless world was simply stuck using worthless paper issued by the USA.

The middle east had some leverage against us which they played in the 1973 oil crisis.  Price of fuel tripled and the US made military pacts with the Saudis in order to get the flow going again.  But look what happened to the commercial debt since then.  People talk about "growth" as if they have any clue about it even though living standards have not increased in decades.  How can a declining middle class ever be viewed as "growth" unless you are referring to the growth of the money elite in relation to the working class?

And so it is perfectly clear from the chart below: the only thing that has really grown since 1971 is the debt based portion of the money supply.   Credit has been the engine of "growth" for nearly 44 years now.  The problem with this is that credit is not real money.  It is not like the monetary base which stays in play forever once instantiated.  Credit (debt) comes and it goes.  Pump and dump.  When the pump is on the money flows easily.  When the dump is on, there is a deflationary depression.  The pump has been so bad this time, completely unopposed by the controlling feedback mechanism of a gold backed currency that there will be no saving it once the dump picks up speed.  You see that little blip from wave 3 down to wave 4 in the chart lower left?  That caused the stock market to be cut in half. What happens when credit mania eventually collapses back to below where it began in 1971?  You have to realize that what is happening is neither normal nor sustainable.  It has only been in place since 1971.

This is the dirty little secret of the Federal Reserve that very, very few understand.  When the collapse occurs, do not accept the excuse that it was due to some occurrence that month like war or terrorism or whatever else might occur.  This has been building for a long time and the powers that be know it.  A massive default and associated economic collapse is completely built into the very fabric of our economic system.  They even release the data in convenient chart form via their "FRED" system so that other enlightened (Illuminati code word that means "cognizant of the scam") people will know it as well.

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