Thursday, September 11, 2014

Now they are finally going after fraudulent disabled parking permits.

As part of the signs of the collapse of the great debt Ponzi I predicted that the whole push of uplifting the needy and weak net consumers at the expense of the strong and useful net producers would reverse itself.  The reason for this was and is clear as a bell: you cannot have consumption without production.  The government has produced fake production in the form of fraudulent money that steals from workers to give to the elite and to subsidize those who have gotten screwed out of a fair wage by the fraudulent money itself. 

In this post I even called out the trend toward making everything disabled accessible with handicapped parking taking the all the front spots so that real customers could be inconvenienced.  I wrote, "You’ll know the die is fully cast when they start getting rid of most of the handicap parking spots.  The 90s explosion of making everything "accessible" at great cost to businesses is my poster child for forcing producers to work twice as hard in order to support the the weaker members of the herd.  Not that I think there should be no support for the weak.  But I think that is the role of the church, not the vote buying corrupt state.  The state doesn't really care about the weak.  It does care about controlling the hard workers."

Well, the first step toward getting rid of those spots is to get rid of so much demand for them, most of which is clearly fraudulent.  How many truly disabled people are out there driving around each day?  A LOT fewer than all the handicapped parking would lead one to believe.  And so, for the first time I have ever seen, society and government is going after fraudulent handicapped parking abusers as can be seen by this article and this article respectively.  In the second article, the scammers received 3 full years of federal probation as well as 1000 hrs of community service.  That sends a clear messages to those who are abusing the societal largess toward the disabled.

But this is only step 1.  We will see over time that with a massive reduction in issued disabled parking permits will come a massive reduction in the government requirements for such parking and other disabled-friendly perks.   The reason is nothing more than what I have stated many times.  When credit is rising, the money supply increases and everyone feels rich.  Hard work doesn't matter as much anymore because money comes falling seemingly out of the sky.  Thus, the money is used for every stupid thing under the sun and all the nanny state crap goes into high gear.  But when the credit peaks and starts collapsing all of these unaffordable luxuries collapse along with them.  Society stops promising things to people who did not earn them no matter what their situation might be.  Paygo means just that.  Pay as you go.  If you can't pay then too bad.  The good news is that it results in massive price reductions for things such as homes, medical care, etc. because all of those who were getting free access (and thus went to the emergency room for every sniffle) are cut off from their free lunch.  That leaves more lunch food to those who earned it.

I do not care about disabled parking one way or the other.  My point is to pick things that I think were caused by the credit growth money supply inflation and then look for their decline as a way too gauge where we are in the credit decline/money supply deflation cycle.  AFAIKT, we are right on track.  Next up will be a massive, unstoppable collapse in the stock and other paper asset markets because they really have no value to start with, just like the dollar.  First the paper assets will crash and then some time later the dollar will follow. 

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