Thursday, October 16, 2014

Here comes the Euro-crisis-contagion. Again.

Under the category of "you cannot handle a solvency problem by taking on more debt", Mish points to skyrocketing Interest rates on Greek debt.  What a joke that that crap debt ever sold as anything except for "default waiting to happen".  FFF--- is what crap should have been rated, completely off the bottom of the scale.

Well, this will be the catalyst for the run back into the dollar.  If you want to know why the dollar is going up, that is easy.  The USD is the best looking horse in the glue factory.  The Greeks are going to default and it will result in a Euro chain reaction that will likely "spread" with alarming speed.  I wonder how long until my prediction comes true that even GERMAN debt is worth pennies on the dollar after the whole region implodes.

Folks, the global debt Ponzi has entered the collapse stage and the skyrocketing rates on Greek debt is the canary in the global corruption fake money scam coal mine. 

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