Thursday, February 19, 2015

Look at the factions infighting.

Both sides are corrupt but now they are airing their dirty laundry in public.  Not because they want to mind you. The problem is that there just isn't the easy money greasing the skids keeping everyone all fat and happy like there used to be.  I mean, when do you ever see one government agency attack the legality and legitimacy of another?  They don't because if one side does it the other side can retaliate.  Both sides (the corrupt liberal left and the equally corrupt liberal right) know where the bodies are buried from the other side.  Note: conservative truth tellers don't have any bodies!  They cannot be intimidated with emissions of truth. The main weapons used by the liberals against them is disinformation and dismissal.  Ross Perot was "crazy" according to the libs.  Likewise the best attacks against Ron Paul were that he "doesn't look presidential", that he "isn't charismatic enough" and that he "wears ill fitting suits". 

Those kinds of  dismissive attacks are not going to work anymore.  The con men are now going to show their underwear folks.  What you hear coming from the left about the right and from the right about the left will all be true going forwards and it will all be getting more and more dirty, more and more public and more and more territorial.

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