Monday, April 20, 2015

Cop who goes out of his way to NOT shoot a perp

Under the liberal rule of things, cops would go out of their way to shoot anything or anyone they could.  If you didn't respond to their commands immediately or fully, they might shoot you.  If their gun was more handy than their TASER, they'd shoot you with the gun.  If they thought that pack of cigs in your hand was a bazooka, they'd shoot.  And not a warning shot, not a leg shot and never just one bullet.  This was the real kicker that they were intent on murder.  When they would shoot, it was usually a clip dump opportunity for them.  8 bullets would leave the gun if just one corrupt bastard of a cop was involved but if you had 3 or 4 corrupt bastard cops then they would send 40 bullets down range.  Did it matter that they were shooting in a residential area?  Of course not!  After all, the guy with a water bottle in his hand was a real threat that had to be put down (so that he could not sue in court...).  So what if a few kids of useless eaters might be put in harm's way?  Even your pet was not safe around these insane, testosterone-pumped assassin cops who had been brainwashed into thinking that no life except their own had any value. 

Fortunately, recent events continue to provide more evidence that those days are rapidly ending.

Today's proof point comes in the form of a cop who really could have taken a man's life with no question.  The citizen clearly wanted to be killed and he kept on aggressively advancing on the cop hoping that the cop would kill him.  Instead, the cop kept backing up and in fact eventually fell over on his back and was pointing his gun up at the citizen who eventually just gave up and laid face down so he could be cuffed.

This cop should be applauded for doing every single possible thing he could do to avoid pulling that trigger.  I would have given him credit if he had just shot one at the legs.  But he didn't end up having to shoot at all.  I wonder how much of an impact the recent troubles that police have been having with the people factored into his decision.  But regardless of why he did it, we are now seeing cops not only get in trouble for shooting when they didn't need to, we are also seeing them get praised when they didn't shoot when he could have.  The cop in this story is not being called a coward, instead he is being hailed for showing great restraint.  These are the messages going out across the herd.  Soon we will see cops getting awarded points and faster promotions for finding nonlethal resolution to difficult problems.

One more thing: all cops should be required to wear body camera.  Period.  They should be fired from the force for insubordination if they ever engage in a shooting without that body camera recording.  This is how the cops are going to be put back into line.

In any case, my congrats go out to the cop in the video for not being a murderous bastard.   Amazing when we live in times where anyone would ever need to receive that kind of praise but these are the times we are living in.

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