Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chilean government essentially collapses.

The collapse of the good old boy system marches onward as evidenced by the rare dismissal of the entire Chilean cabinet today by Presidente Bachelete.  Con woman Bachelete had to do something because the Chilean herd is getting restless.  Recently her corrupt son had to step down from his cushy leadership role of a government based charity for essentially the same reason.  Things are not going well for the rank and file and so the leaders must either share in the pain or be viewed as dangerous elite.  For her part, Bachelete seems to be throwing anyone within arms distance of her under la gaugua.

So here is where it starts to get ugly.  As the top dogs bolster their own fortunes on the backs of their falling cronies, some of said cronies are not going to take it lying down.  After all, they are all useless bureaucrats with no economically viable skills and they damned well know it.  If they have to go down, how long will it be before they begin telling where the skeletons are buried?  How long until they fight back against their masters?  The pattern is becoming clear.  Everyone up and down the pyramid from the lowly beat cop to the government cabinet member actually believed that they themselves carried the eye of horus in their pockets and that they were elite and special.  What these liberal fuckers are now finding out is that they were just patsies like anyone else.  Allowing them to believe that they were elite bought their loyalty but loyalty doesn't buy much when you are under the bus. 

So now political underlings are going to see this play out all over the world.  They will rightfully wonder when they will be next.  They will begin to keep little black books now whereas before perhaps they didn't bother.  At some point some of them will use their black books as passports to their own financial freedom instead of willing diving under the bus on command.  Watch and see folks.  I predicted these things would happen because I understood that government which exists to oversee an economy run on a fake money supply is nothing more that an organized criminal cartel.  I made these predictions boldly and often long before these events began showing up in order to help prove that my world view is correct.

We ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only in Chile, but also in Brazil. This week, millions protested the government during the mandatory propaganda on TV by the ruling Workers' Party. This just weeks after millions of Brazilians protested against the president, Dilma Rousseff, on the streets in the wake of the multi billion USD corruption scandal at PBR.

Unlike the Mensalao corruption scandal a decade ago, which stopped at the presidential chief of staff, sparing the Workers' Party president, Lula, this scandal was linked to Dilma, who was a member of the board of directors at PBR. Why not then but now, merely months after she was reelected with 51% of the votes in a runoff election? Because we the people are mad as hell and are not going to take this anymore!

Of course, we could have been mad as hell a decade ago too, but we were busy drinking from the easy money spigot.

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