Saturday, May 16, 2015

Egypt Morsi sentenced to take a dirt nap: another tyrant bites the dust.

I have been writing from well before the Arab spring riots and protests ever occurred that global elite were not as all-powerful as so many believed.  In fact, my long standing thesis is that they have no power whatsoever except that which they derive from the people, usually by bribery, guile, or fear mongering.  It's a dangerous game for those who become perceived as tyrants by the people because once the people act in unison to rise up against them there is no stopping the inevitable overthrow.  Today's news is a powerful proof point in that regard as murderous dictator elitist Mohammad Morsi has been sentenced to death. Let me add my own personal farewell to this wayward US puppet dictator: So long, asshole.

I know a lot of people who are afraid of the USeless Government.  Like huddled antelope when the tiger is on the prowl, they worry about every twig snap, every glimpse of big government doing exercises on the periphery, flexing its muscles in a public way while making proclamations and arrogant declarations such as "Master the Human Domain" so as to never be far from top of mind to the herd.  Here is my advice to the herd:  Get your mind right and then get on with your lives.  Draw a line in the sand, a trigger point.  Make it fair to both sides, not too overly sensitive, not too lenient.  Keep an eye on their activities but don't lose sleep over their little games.  Don't let them think that their antics are intimidating you and in fact don't be intimidated by them.   Arm yourself and become comfortable with your arms and then just stop worrying about the liberal, prancing elite.  See them as the desperate con men that in fact they are, flailing about in a vain attempt to remain relevant by any means they can.  Keep your wealth away from their control and just go about your life; living, creating value for your family and your community while also letting live.

But if they cross your personal line, whatever that might be, come out swinging.  In that case, don't ask questions and don't look for answers because then you are just playing their game.  After the line is crossed, it's time to go Rambo.   Q+A is fine (and in fact highly encouraged) before they cross your line of no return, again, something which you have to choose carefully and with the wise guidance and council of our founders in mind.  But after they cross the line you don't bother talking anymore, period.  After they cross the line, don't explain and don't complain.  Just go asymmetrical on them. That is the purpose of thinking about that line long and hard up front.  It sets an absolute standard which will not be violated without armed dissent, armed conflict.  After that line is crossed, people are necessarily going to be hurt or get killed, so choose it wisely and fairly for both sides involved.

One indication that your line is too sensitive is if you will end up as the only person on the battlefield in which case your actions will rightfully be viewed as crazy and your dissent will be short lived.  In this case your demise will carry no lasting consequence.  If the herd is going to revolt successfully it must do so in significant numbers - say 10% or more of the population acting in unison. 

I also want to address the fear that so many have about the supposed invincibility of the US military.  They are only invincible when they have the backing of the American people.  If they lose that, half or more of the active military will revolt.  I also want to point out that much of the US military power is focused on projecting power into poor nations.  There are two aspects of this for American citizens to consider:

1) The tools of power projection like ICBMs and other more-regional missile systems, aircraft carriers, pretty much most of the US naval fleet, etc. are of no use in a domestic war.  Likewise, you cannot just go bombing downtown buildings in US cities if you think a resistance leader is present even though the US military happily does this all the time overseas.  Over there we would gladly destroy an entire city block if that would make our target de jour more achievable.  That level of immorality will not be tolerated here in the US by even the most government-loving boot-lickers of the liberal administration. Additionally, you cannot happily kill 50 innocent bystanders in order to take out one resistance leader in the US, again, something that the US does on a regular basis in our wars of aggression overseas.  If these things begin to happen here at home then all it will do is add to the ranks of the insurgents at an exponential rate.

2) Technologically retarded and financially poor insurgents are at a great disadvantage relative to a military that has all the most modern toys.  But here in the US many private citizens own incredibly technical gear that has direct applicability to defensive battle including low cost, light-magnification "starlight scope" type night vision rifle scopes and even bleeding edge tech infrared (AKA "thermal") rifle scopes at higher price points.  Heck, the guaranteed ability to hit targets at 500-1000 yards for the novice shooter is already available in the US retail market given the ability to pay for it.  Tech like Tracking Point used to be exclusively reserved for the military.  But with military budgets shrinking, weapons innovators are increasingly selling to the general public.  Tracking point scopes eliminate the need for months of sniper training and years of practice.  Does everyone in the US have one?  No.  They are still very expensive.  But tech has a way of dropping price rapidly and no it won't be different this time.  Additionally, even with high prices we would see Tracking point sell out all their production if it looked like a revolution was going to happen.  This was not an option in countries where most of the population is poor and downtrodden and living in shambles. 

Look at what happened to the sales of AR15 rifles in the US (as seen through the lens of the stock chart of Sturm, Ruger and companyy) after the herd became fearful that Obama would try to ban them.  I'm pretty sure that this is not so easy for the people to do in most of the 3rd world places where America wages wars of aggression.

The American people also have low cost and trivial access to sophisticated communications gear.  In order to hamper the organizational efforts of the people, government would have to shut down the Internet and turn off the cell towers.  This would play right into the hands of the insurgents as it would simply show the boot-lickers that their comfortable lifestyles are subordinate to government hacks retaining power at all cost.   It would also further prove the hypocrisy of the status quo (US leaders complained when Egypt turned off its Internet in order to quell protests).  Meanwhile, the insurgents would happily continue to organize and communicate via cheap ham radio gear that is all over the internet today.  Hint for other patriots: buy a handheld ham radio even if you don't have a license to operate it.  If you ever actually need to use it on restricted frequencies, lack of government permission won't be of much consequence.  As you can see, Chinese-manufactured ham radios now cost about the same as the far less capable FRS radio which the USless government has pushed everyone toward so that the people would ignore the much more powerful ham alternative.

In any case, Morsi is now receiving his reward for becoming a tyrannical belligerent combatant against the Egyptian people and I suggest that all people in US government at every level take his forthcoming demise, along with the past deaths of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and various other abusive dictators around the world, as a friendly reminder of who is really running this show (hint: it ain't really the elite or their paid thugs!).  Long before the Arab spring I wrote many times that when the people have had enough, the elite will literally be dragged into the street and killed.  Some people thought this was "over the top" but this is exactly what happened to both Hussein and Gadaffi

Again, my strong and overwhelming preference is to live and let live and I feel that by explaining the truth of these matters that I am actually doing the elite a big favor.  You see, little men with big egos can lose sight of logic and history.  It can cause them to go just one little step too far in their misguided belief that the people are stupid and weak.  It can land their foot across the line after which me and many like me will come out swinging, no further questions asked. 

This is the message for police, CIA, FBI and any other government agencies who electronically monitor all Internet communications such as this blog post: go back and tell your masters that they better stay on the right side of the law and more importantly, on the right side of the moral line which any thinking person knows exists.  Because if it is crossed there will be consequences and you will eventually but inevitably lose an armed conflict with a pissed off herd.  The people are not quite so forgiving or defenseless as you sometimes imagine.  No amount of exercises can prepare you for the wrath of the American people once you take that step too far.


Anonymous said...

Ahem, the American military has not won any conflict it meddled in for the last 70 years, even though it's cowered to challenge any comparable force. Its so-called advertised invincibility is yet another prong of the USeless con.

The Captain said...

Yeah, they still get a halo effect from WW2.

At the same time, I reminded of the saying I love so much which is that if you don't know who the patsy in the deal is, it's you.

Are we being the patsy here? We assume that the goal is to win the war and I'm not so sure that is the real goal. In fact, I think the goal is simply never ending war. Never ending hate. Never ending creative destruction. Never ending payday for bankers and the war industry. If you beat an enemy so badly that he is destroyed you can never use him to make money off of in the future.

If you look at it this way, the US has achieved every goal. If you look at many of the accounts, the US leadership could have won Vietnam but simply restrained itself from dealing the death blow on several occasions (much to the dismay of the troops on the ground). We have to ask, why did they do that? Who was pulling the puppet strings of the US leadership? Who feeds on endless pain and anger and bad emotion? Who is timeless and spans all leadership regimes. Who is really running Planet Earth? I hope you don't think it is humans.

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