Sunday, May 3, 2015

For people trying to figure out what's going on...

Folks, there is something going on in the world which most people don't know about or really even want to know about at the subconscious level.  This "something" is pervasive in terms of human society and global in scope.  Importantly, it has been going on throughout the history of man. The essential nature of it is cancerous parasitism.  In other words, it feeds off the host and never stops growing until either the host kills or controls it or the host dies.  Given that it has been going on for thousands of years, the symptoms and signs of it are not concentrated here or there but are rather broadly spread like cancer that has metastasized.

Regarding what is really going on in the world today it is very hard to find any:
  • single source of truth (so that one doesn't have to jump to 10 places to find it) which is
  • explained directly and in clear language for the purpose of mass understanding (so that one doesn't have to have special skills of discernment or otherwise be skilled at reading between the lines) and that is
  • devoid of massive tangents (which is an often used trick - 90% truth or "truthiness" followed by last 10% which represents "the hook", the big lie, etc.) and which is also
  • presented quickly and concisely enough so as not to lose those with a short attention span (in other words, most humans) which is 
  • presented by someone who has the real experience in order to make informed statements (i.e. not wild conspiracy theorists/massive conjecture).
One of the problems with truth presentation which meets the above criteria is that is arrives as a shock to the human psyche.  The way our brains are made, by their very nature, they shy away from shock.  The brain has to choose fight or flight at the subconscious level.  Fight is usually a last resort if flight is any kind of an option because we tend to take the path of least resistance in all things.  Importantly, this is true even if flight is actually 10x the real work and the real risk of fight.  This is simply the nature of any herding species.  Those who want to know what is going on will come to grips with this.  They will let their conscious minds override their subconscious minds (easier said than done folks...).  Those who aren't ready for truth cannot be coerced into hearing it.  You can lead a horse to water...

Knowing the above to be fact, I have tried in my blog to present the evidence in a certain way that I thought would be most acceptable to people of various states of understanding around the world.  While I have tried to be direct and unambiguous in any point I wanted to make, I didn't attempt to tie everything together into the big picture because I just felt that it would be too shocking for most people.  The natural human reaction to this kind of shock is to shy away, stop listening, ridicule the source (AKA shoot the messenger), etc.  Our brains tend to be better at accepting things that we think we figured out on our own.  If we are the messengers, we don't shoot ourselves!  Said differently, it is the process of figuring things out that builds the logical basis in our minds that gives us confidence in the veracity of our conclusions.  If someone were to just tell us the outlandish sounding conclusion, we would all just roll our eyes in disbelief.  Again, this is not a cut on anyone, this is not the same as being stupid.  This is just human nature.

The new wave of conservatism is telling me that we are approaching a time where mass understanding will unfold.  After all, the reason that people shy away from controversial topics is that their herding nature is controlling them.  Once a topic loses its controversial magick, understanding of it tends to spread across the herd literally like wildfire.  In other words, the herd is not stupid by any means, it is simply a prisoner of its own herding nature in some ways.

I recently came across a source of truth, one which I agree with 95+% of what is being said and which meets all of the bulleted criteria above.  I hope my readers have the attention span to watch this 50 minute video in its entirety.  The first few minutes are a bit slow but I think if you watch the whole thing you will see why it is important to have that background about the speaker.  Experience trumps conjecture.

I think you will find that the video touches on many points that I have made over the years but I also want to say that it does not tell the whole story on two main fronts. 

One of these fronts is regarding the big picture role of a dishonest money supply in our collective slavery.  The speaker in the video talks about bankers being part of the control structure but he doesn't explicitly state that fake money, that is debt based money (which I have taken to calling Mammon Money for good reason) is the main control mechanism in this parasitic con game.  And so here is understanding for those with ears to hear: the ONLY real power that they have over us is the power of the confidence game, the power of the con, the power of the scamWe have to be willing patsies or the scam collapses very rapidly and they know it If the people wake up and realize what is going on, it's game over.  The slavery that we live under is completely self imposed.  The elite are a bunch of fucking cowards at heart despite the strong face they expose.  They only seem powerful because they are organized and they gang up on their targets in the same way as a pride of lions pick out a target and take it down as a group while scattering the rest of the herd.  This is a conscious tactic.  It works very well until it doesn't and then we get situations like we have been seeing in the news lately: widespread and energetic reaction by the herd to incidents that normally would have just been glossed over and then quickly forgotten.  These reactions put the fear of God into the elite and thus we begin to see change.  But real change via force is a bloody affair and there is a much easier way to achieve change if only people will see it.

In short, if we the people, we the herd, we the labor force of Earth don't use their fake money, all of their wealth and power evaporates in very short order. 

If we abandon Mammon Money in all ways possible, the con men running this show will literally starve to death because it is only through our use of their fake money that they can easily parasitically siphon off our wealth.  This is so important because the con men produce nothing of economic value on their own.  Abandoning their corrupt money has the same effect on them as Donald Trump saying "you're fired".
This is a statement of truth, not a piece of advice.  In other words, I know that you cannot tell your boss "I do not want to be paid in paper money, I want to be paid in gold and silver".  Being paid in honest money is not the first step to freedom but rather the last step.  You will not have to ask for that to occur.  It will simply happen in the future once the money scam plays out.  But what we all can and should be doing is to store our long term retirement SAVINGS outside of their fake money supply.  The form of savings can be anything that has true value including commodities, land, rental property, gold and silver etc.  All of these things have pros and cons.  But what is important is to not keep your STORED WEALTH in their fake money.  Importantly, any asset which is paper in nature is fake.  That includes stocks, bonds, CDs, bank accounts, dollars, annuities, trusts and every other paper asset you can think of.   Every hour of your productive labor which is stored in their fake money supply is one hour of slave labor given willingly to strengthen our masters.  Every hour of your labor stored outside of their fake money supply likewise reduces their power.  This is a simple mathematical truth which is beyond debate.  Relatively few understand it today but those numbers are growing fast and it won't be too many years before we see the "hockey stick" of understanding appear in the charts.

The second front which I do not think is explained in the video is one that I will only point out.  I will not provide details because most people are not ready to hear it yet.  Soon perhaps but not yet.  All I will say for now is that people should think about the fact that this has been going on from the beginning of recorded history.  So what is happening is not based on the will of the Rockerfellers or of the Bilderberg group or of the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations or any recent incantation or visible instantiation of elitist power.   What is happening was alive and well in Egyptian times and then well before that too.  Thinking people will wonder how some contrivance of man or even the will of men can span and transcend the ages like that.  It crosses generations folks.  It crosses cultures and continents.  Think about it.

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