Sunday, May 10, 2015

Maryland murderers file charges against state prosecutors.

This story has to do with the recent murder in Baltimore of Freddie Gray.  Before I get started on the actual story I will admit that "Maryland Murderers" is a bit over the top as a description of the cops involved around Gray's death.  This is completely intentional mainly as a bit of pay back to cops who like to trump every imagined slight up into "felony resisting", etc.  You a$$holes have made careers out of fucking up people's lives with your abuse of the system and so don't be so shocked when it goes against you like this.  You are getting not nearly what you deserve.

In any case, today's headlines give a hint that what I have been predicting was going to happen is in fact going to happen.  We have already seen my prediction that those lower level minions of the elite who themselves imagined they were elite but who were in fact never anything more than "the paid help" (AKA thugs) would get thrown under the bus has been playing out.  What we are beginning to see in today's story is that they are no longer going quietly.  The first few to go under still thought that they had air cover from above.  But these latest thugs have disabused themselves of any such notions and they are pushing back with legal action against those who are trying to sacrifice them so that public can see heads roll.

And so it begins first with legal bantering back and forth but at some point there will be an ugly divorce: elite bosses will say "you police (or name other paid civil servant thug class here) are not elite and you are not under our protection any longer" to which the disenfranchised thug class will begin spilling its guts about the locations of all the political (and real) bodies are located.  Again, this is nothing more than the expected decline of a criminal cartel known as big government.  The crime bosses will go into survival mode of every man for himself and even the most loyal of paid thugs will be sacrificed if that is what is needed to stave off the lynch mob of pissed off wildebeests.

I've got my front row seat.  I've got my food stocks and my physical precious metals.  I've got my guns and bullets in case the fight moves into my house.  Let the show begin.

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