Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Today's headlines on the decline of liberalism.

New Jersey is an absolute Rights Hell for gun owners.  The state, for all intents and purposes has been disarmed.  Yes you can own certain guns but if you make the slightest mistake they treat you like a mafia crime boss. The liberals there just love to show honest gun owners that gun ownership is more trouble than it is worth.  So why did Chris Christie just pardon this guy for making a mistake that has sent others to prison?  I'll tell you why: the victim of police state overstep was a good looking straight arrow young black man and Christie is trying to kiss up to conservatives as we move into the 2016 elections.  All of a sudden it's cool to be conservative!

In this next tidbit, Princess Cristina of Spain, 5th in line for the throne, is stripped of title and is at risk of jail for tax fraud and other corruption.  Since when do the laws of mortal man apply to the liberal, repulsive concept of royalty?  Well, clearly this happens when those foolish enough to agree to live under the ridiculous notion of a king finally begin to suffer so much themselves that they decide not to suffer under a king any longer.  This is nothing short of the top royals throwing the lesser royals under the bus for doing the same kinds of things that royals have been getting away with forever.  When the munitions train is on fire, you decouple the burning cars and then distance yourself from them lest their explosion kill everyone and ruin a good scam.

So why is all of this happening now?  Simply because con men keep track of the mental state of their marks and patsies.  When they keep seeing head lines like those from 1 month ago: "Liberal Democrats decimated across Britain in unprecedented defeat", they realize that the global economic slump which is quite clear from a main street standpoint is causing foolish (but far from stupid) liberals to realize that they have been conned by their leaders.  They thought they were going to get all this free stuff and a better life, blah blah blah but all that has happened is that the crappy paycheck is the same as it was before but that it buys less now.  They also realize that many of the free services a) aren't really free b) are not services that they themselves actually need or want [i.e. were chosen because it was profitable to the con men, not good for the people] and c) are driving honest service providers out of the market place due to nobody wanting to deal with oppressive government regulations and oversight.

At the same time we are getting inundated with stories like this one from the Guardian that tell us we are going to have to pick between that piece of cat crap Hillary and that piece of dog crap Bush.   If you read the article you just get the message that having to vote for one or the other is really the only choice and we might as well just get on with it.  Of course, the concept of leadership dynasty is little different from the wildly liberal concept of royalty and so I will again go on record and way out on a limb to predict that neither Hillary nor "Jeb" will win in 2016.   Obviously, I don't want either one to win but that is not the basis of my prediction.  The basis of my view is that the herd seems to be reacting to a growing wave of austerity-driven conservatism and it is liberal, not conservative, to vote for a dynasty shoo-in.  Time will tell if I'm right about this but nobody, and I mean nobody that I am reading is predicting this except for me right now.  Most have accepted the inevitability that money buys elections and that Clinton and Bush will carry the monied supporters.

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