Sunday, February 21, 2016

An interesting article on Cuba.

Barry Farber nails the truth in this 2014 article about the fall of communist Cuba.  By that, I mean the fall of the con men running the show.  For the people, the fall of communism in Cuba will lead the the serious rise of living standards.

Interestingly, Farber wrote his article just around the time that I was writing that liberalism had peaked not just in the USA but globally.

Farber wrote, "How, then, can what’s hailed as a diplomatic triumph for Obama and Castro be, instead, Castro’s suicide pact for his wretched regime and Communism in general? A fact does not cease to be a fact merely because liberals hate it."

Yes, communism which is the ultimate hand off of one's person sovereignty to the state, is a totally liberal concept.  No real conservative "PayGo" conservative will ever like it even if they have to live under it for fear of being killed and unable to escape.  Liberals like to give up their right of self determination to the state.  Conservative hate that.

Farber continues with"...Communism must rule by terror and fear. Remove that terror and fear, and you have panicky Communist officials trying to hide, while suddenly angry and fearless folks go looking for them.".  If this sounds like what happened in the battle at Kruger video.  If you are new to the blog, search Youtube for The Battle at Kruger.  You will see a perfect example of exactly what Farber is saying.  Individually, the water buffalo are afraid of the lions even though they are larger and more powerful.  But the liberal LEOs are pack hunters with the knowledge of the power to divide and conquer.  The water buffalo are assembled in a herd but when the LEOs attack, each normally acts as an individual.  It is one of the downsides of conservatism as well: we are individuals and prefer to take care of ourselves and sometimes forget the value of teamwork.  But at some point the herd just decides enough is too much and it grows a collective pair.  The result is obvious: a few lions cannot take on an entire herd of even mildly organized water buffalo.  In fact, I think that just 5 full size male adult water buffalo could easily kick the crap out of any pride (nice liberal characteristic chosen for a name...) of lions. But only if the water buffalo work closely as a team.  That is only something that tends to happen with conservatives when dealing with a disaster of some kind.

Farber continues with, "...what’s happening is what happened to Communism in Yugoslavia in 1952, Hungary in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, the Soviet Union from 1989 to 1991 (the Soviet collapse) and what continues to happen one teaspoonful at a time in Communist China. The fear is disappearing. Once that fear disappears, Communism isn’t far behind.  The little village under the dam has no chance once the dam breaks. Neither has Castro’s Communist rule once the people are no longer afraid of the secret police."

Well, there it is.  That's why you never want to be stupid enough as to become talked into handing over your weapons to the government.  It's akin to saying, "hey, I don't like freedom, please enslave me".  When a small number of government thugs have guns then even a large population can be controlled and enslaved once the population is disarmed and convinced to just give up their freedom.

To the good people of Cuba: take advantage of the fall of your communist slave masters.  Slip into their houses in the night and take them away to the dungeons or worse.  Do NOT allow them to remain in power after relations are normalized with the USA.  It's time to throw the bums out.  Do not let them refill their treasury from a new influx of trade with the US.  DO NOT let the Wall St. con men come in with promises of prosperity if you will only take on debt in order to achieve it.  The people do not win like this.  Only the oligarchs win.  Use this opportunity to replace whatever fake paper that serves as "money" in Cuba with something that is backed by gold, or even notes that have gold fibers embedded in them.  Take the US dollars that will be used to pay for your goods and immediately convert them into gold and silver.  This is your big chance to become something more than a has been country again.  Don't blow it.  As long as you labor under a fraudulent money supply you can never be free.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The normalization of relations between Cuba and the US I'd more important to the latter than to the former, for all the other countries traded with Cuba and never were their citizens trips to Cuba criminalized. This diplomatic change bodes more the end of liberalism in the US than in Cuba. To Americans, how does it feel to enjoy the freedom of every one else in the world to be able to set foot on any geographic coordinate and not go to jail for it, oh dweller of the former land of the free?

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