Thursday, January 18, 2018

Porn is coming into the sights of ever more conservative leaning government

Back in August of 2015 I postulated that part of the return swing toward conservatism (which is in fact what made America great in the first place) would include the downfall of easy porn.  The thinking was that if porn made its big upswing during the liberal years then the new conservative lean was going to reverse much of it.

Today we see the ways that such a reversal might happen as Florida considers labeling porn a "health risk".  They go on to reference "studies" and "research" which of course they paid for and are thus not worth the paper they are written on.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the porn industry but this kind of demonization is just more big government crap. People should not allow government to try to be this kind of moral leader because government is amoral by nature and all of this is just another control mechanism.  The herd will shy away from porn on its own as women of today begin to act less like liberal divas and more like the adoring housewife of yesteryear. 

Yes, that's right.  I said it.  If (primarily) men are attracted to porn its because their wife has not cared about staying attractive to them.  Sure, there are men whose sexual appetites cannot be sated by any one woman but this is far from the norm.  Most guys just want a reasonably attractive woman who will stand by his side, and please don't shoot the messenger, a step and a half behind. In other words, she will recognize him as the leader of the household and not try to fight him on every battle front, instead following his lead and helping him to be a success for Team Marriage.

I know this sounds like heresy to many people right now because of all the women's lib noise of the past 50 years but such arrangements were THE NORM for the 10000 years preceding so its really not so much of a stretch to think that they will be seen again.  When the woman of the house stops trying to act like the man of the house we will be one step closer to the natural downfall of porn simply due to the lack of demand.  Where did all this demand come from anyway?  Anyone ever stop to consider that?

In any case it matters not what you or I think.  The herd is now making an obvious decision to wax conservative so expect to see more and more signs like those mentioned in this post.

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