Sunday, October 30, 2011

EU Elite to the People: Anoint us as Financial Kings and Dictators or Perish

As the onion of debt has been getting unpeeled in Euroland, the measures to combat it have escalated.  The trend is clear: accounting rules have been discarded, private banks have been bailed out with public funds, sovereignty has been diminished and power has been concentrated into the hands of fewer people.  With all that has gone on so far, the problems have not gone away and in fact the flame is getting nearer to the boiling fat.  One wrong move and the whole EU could go up in a fire ball.

Instead of letting the debt Ponzi unravel with bad consequences when it was first discovered, the EU "leaders" (con men) have kicked the can down the road again and again thus ensuring that the eventual collapse will not be just bad, it will be a disaster.  The thought that one can fix a debt problem with more debt is ridiculous but that has been the "solution" over and over again.  The people have been putting up with this because at first they believed that government actually knew how to fix things.  But over time I think that has ceased to be the case.  Now the people are simply afraid to think about what the consequences will be and so they keep agreeing to more and more can-kicking.

But it's now getting to the point of absurdity that I think most people will realize that they are damned if they do and damned if they don't.  There is no longer any possibility of escape and in fact the potential for any kind of a landing other than a hard crash has been off the table for some time now.  But it can get worse.  It can always get worse.  Here is the face of worse: the ESM bailout treaty.  In short, the Euro-Elite are now suggesting that they either be made a new type of royalty by law or the whole debt Ponzi will collapse.  Royalty might be the wrong words.  This is more like a financial dictatorship.  The Euro Dictator will:
  • Have immediate and unlimited access to cash from all member nations upon demand.
  • Be able to sue anyone who doesn't comply.
  • Be completely above any scrutiny.
    • No audits.
    • No ability to seize papers normally afforded to governments trying to shut down organized crime.
  • Be completely above any form of prosecution
    • The implication is that this refers to prosecution regarding financial stuff but as soon as any Euro-Elite gets implicated in other crimes they will claim that they are immune from that prosecution as well because it is only being used as a way to circumvent their financial immunity.
This is so arrogant and brazen as to be something out of a fantasy book instead of being real life. What kind of people would agree to something like this?
  • Sleeping, unconcerned, unaware people.  This would have been my top choice a few years ago but I think it's less likely anymore.  That the video exists and decodes the legal jargon into such clear terms of financial dictatorship is proof that people are awake and looking at these things.
  • People who cling to the foolish hope that their elected leaders are honest and trustworthy and that they know what they are doing instead of the reality that they are in it to win it for themselves.  I think a lot of people are in this stage of denial.  Kubler-Ross 101.
  • Scared people who don't know what else to do.  Unfortunately, I think this is where a lot of people find themselves today.  Through their own ignorance about money, credit and history, they laughed at the likes of statesmen such as Ron Paul (or the Euro-versions of him), thought his ideas were "kooky" when in fact he was right about everything.  Their pride will not allow them to admit how stupid they have been in listening to dirt bag statists and moneymen.  Now they see no option but to ride the snake to wherever it takes them.
Anyone who agrees to this new scam is a complete a$$.
Anyone who sits by complacently and watches it become the law of Euroland will get the government they truly deserve.
Anyone who does not fight against it by all means will become a slave to the new financial dictatorship.

Euroland: don't be afraid of the collapse.  It will happen no matter what you do so embrace it and work through it with your family, friends and neighbors.  It will be over within a couple of years if you just take the bull by the horns.  Don't count on corrupt government and their cronies to save you because they cannot and will not do that.  They are only saving themselves and to do that they must dig a bigger hole for you and yours.  Don't embrace more scammery in a foolish attempt to escape punishment for the scammery you already let happen.  Take responsibility for your own personal past complacency which allowed it all to happen as if it didn't matter.  Rise up and put these moneymen and elitists down as you would a rabid dog.

Figuratively speaking of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty insightful. Thanks!

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