Friday, May 16, 2014

Is Trey Gowdy the new Eliot Ness??

Look folks, there has always, is right now, and always will be a section of the population that is bent toward criminal activity.  This is part of the human condition and it is genetic at the species level.  I don't know but I do suspect that they have a parasitic gene and it predisposes them to stealing from others instead of creating for themselves.  They will work twice as hard at stealing as they ever would at self productive enterprise.  In the early part of the 20th century the criminal element made no attempts to hide itself.  Armed with .45 caliber pistols, 12 ga. shotguns and Thompson submachine guns, they bribed police and elected officials, ran gambling rings, distributed prohibition booze, and retailed drugs and hookers.  They ran protection rackets against small business owners and those who would not go along got shaken down, beaten or killed.

I have asked (and answered) the question multiple times in these pages: where is the obvious, visible organized crime of yesteryear?  Did people really change or did something else happen?  Of course, something else happened.  What, you might ask?  Well, with the advent of a fraudulent money supply, the job of the organized criminal has been a breeze.  Very little thuggery is needed compared to before (although not zero thuggery for sure).  As Don Henley wrote in his song, "Gimme What You Got":

You can arm yourself, alarm yourself
But there's nowhere you can run
'Cause a man with a briefcase
Can steal more money
Than any man with a gun...

You got the price of admission
You don't have to ask permission
To take somethin' from another man
You cross a lawyer with the godfather, baby
Make you an offer that you can't understand

Because of the new prosperity brought on by an ever expanding money supply, crime could occur at an even higher rate than ever before in history even though people didn't really know it was happening.  Look at that perfect reference in Henley's song to crossing a lawyer (or politician IMO) with the godfather.  That is the unholy union of big government, big unions, and big corporations as well as the military itself with organized crime.  Don't sit there so shocked to read this!!  Suspend disbelief and in fact get used to it.  Get comfortable with it because it is the truth.  More than a few major pieces of it have already been blatantly admitted to by those who, after a lifetime of dirty hands, wanted to do something to absolve themselves of their misdeeds.  For example, if you want a clear admission by someone in the know that War Is A Racket ("racket" being a term generally applied to the activities of organized crime), look no further than the writings of Smedley Butler.

Please take the time to read his section on how to smash the racket.  While M. Gen. Butler has some good ideas, he misses the main point.  If you take the fraudulent component of the money supply away so that fractional reserve lending will not allow the creation of new money for the purpose of noneconomic activity, such activity will suffocate on its own.  General Butler, like so many before him sees the symptoms and thus wants to treat the symptoms while missing the root cause.  It is fiat currency and fractional reserve banking that enabled war based on debt.  Take that way and the wars will collapse on their own because warmongers are in it for profit, not patriotism.  Take away the very ability to pay those who profit from war and they will avoid war like the plague.

But again I digress.  My main point is that organized crime is now called the Military Industrial Complex - the name that President Eisenhower gave it.  Again, he watched it grow during his presidency and did nothing to stop it.  But once he was on the exit, he decided to clear his conscience by telling us the truth.  Not that he told us all of the implications, but at least he told us some shocking new information.  I will say again that running such a massive organized criminal enterprise is not free and folks, it's not even cheap.  The people doing it are in it for the cash and if the cash is not there, they will not participate.

The con men running the show have kept the credit portion of the money supply growing for decades.  That new money being printed each year is how they fund their criminal enterprise.  The growth of credit is the only real goal of the federal reserve.  Check that - the growth of credit in such a way that they do not get taken out into the streets and hanged when it blows up in their faces (as it must at some point do) is their real goal.  In fact, they say it themselves in almost so many words:
"Monetary policy refers to the actions taken by the Federal Reserve to influence the availability and cost of money and credit to help promote the nation’s economic goal of non-inflationary growth."

Wait a second.  How can monetary policy "promote growth"?  The only possible way to do that is to increase the money supply.  But the fed wants to do it in a "non-inflationary" way.  Well of course that is impossible.  The growth of the money supply is always inflationary.  What they mean is "not too inflationary so that the slaves will kill us in the streets".  The fed is the lead organization of economic vampires who goal is to feed of the productive labor of the masses, but unlike the lazy and stupid con men of smaller nations, they want to do it in a sustainable fashion.  They don't want to kill off their livestock, they just want to be able to carve pieces out of the herd here and there without being noticed.  This whole line of crap about being non inflationary makes no sense when you consider that the USD is only worth 4.23% of its original value (1 part in 23.63).  What happened to the rest?  It was inflated away slowly over time so the people would not notice.  It's the long con at work.  The con of the patient and of the illuminated.

The other aspect of the con is that the monetary base - the part which can actually be blamed on the fed - is not the big part of the money supply expansion.  It's the CREDIT portion of the money supply that has really been inflationary since the inception of the federal reserve.  In this way, the slick con men blame the people who take out loans for increasing the money supply.  Never mind that they know that putting poison candy in front of a baby is the same as feeding the baby poison intravenously.

I've said it many times: the main difference between the US and the rest of the world is that we have better con men.  They are more patient, more controlled.  More willing to take the long term payoff than demanding the short term massive windfall like so many amateur depots are wont to do.  We have the most skilled, most conniving despotic m-f asshole con men ever produced in the universe.  That is the main strength of the USA.  This is our real "exceptionalism".  Our leaders have put everyone in the USA to sleep so that they could dream the American Dream while those not in the matrix literally enslaved us.

But all things must end, good or bad, and the growth of the money supply is now topping.  People don't want more credit, they want lower prices.  Why?  Because, even with record low interest rates, buying a $600k house is still too much of a monthly payment for a collapsing middle class.  Gasoline at $4-$5 (and going to $10 in the not too distant future) a gallon is eating people's purchasing power and so more money goes to food, clothing and shelter and less goes to big, expensive houses and other debt-funded consumption items.  Besides that, the federal reserve's balance sheet is bulging with bad debt and so are the balance sheets of fannie, freddie and all of the banks.  In short, the lenders are finding it increasingly harder to lend and they are finding increasingly fewer credit worthy people to lend to.  On the other side, people have less disposable income and so they are reducing their debt based consumption.

The only problem with this for the con men is that less debt fueled real estate sales at lower prices and fewer debt-paid college degrees will not boost the money supply.  And without an ever expanding money supply the debt Ponzi will collapse and their criminal organization will fall apart.  "Will" is perhaps too forward looking.  Let me change that to "is" falling apart.  And nowhere (to finally get to my main point) is there more evidence of this than Trey Gowdy's recent ass kicking declaration to the press on Benghazi 

That video is a must see sign of the times.  

Everything from the way he stormed up to the podium and didn't even pause before basically accusing the press of either being incompetent or complicit to the way he ticked off each of the ridiculous atrocities associated with this scandal tells me that this man is in it to win it.  Whoever is backing him has let him loose, no holds barred, pull no punches and no dem-GOP group laughs over drinks at the gullible public after the speech.  This man is a white Django and he, like Eliot Ness before him, has been unchained.  He is going to kick ass, take names and accept no politically correct bullshit from the perps.  Whoever is running this con has finally realized that the people are now demanding to see heads roll.  And so heads will roll (at least enough of the lower level capos/caporegimes) so that the public cries for justice appear to have been answered).  Perps will get squeezed and they will roll over on their bosses, just exactly like any other criminal organization does when the authorities decide to seriously crack down.

This is going to get ugly.  This is more than a show.  The powers that be know that the people have seen too many political shows.  The frustration and mistrust of government is now so extreme that the people now need to see something sincere. They need to see real blood and guts.  No confidence will be regained by a half-hearted move on this.

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