Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What the liberal establishment used to get away with is now blowing up in its face.

The following paragraphs summarize and expand on this article.

Just a few months ago, a young 5th grade boy in Florida was told by his liberal teacher that he could not read the Bible during his 90 minute "open reading" session where everyone else was told to read whatever they wanted to.  She saw him reading the Bible and told the boy to put it away because she didn't want "that book" in his classroom.  The boy originally complied.  However, the matter was not over.  His father decided not to just blindly listen to some bimbo teacher's decree on thalle matter and instead took it upon himself to research the matter.  He could not find any reason why she should have the right to decree that as if she were some kind of dictator over his child in all ways.

So he told the boy to go ahead and read it in class during the allotted time window if he wanted to and if there were issues, the teacher should call the dad.  The bimbette did exactly that saying, "I noticed that he [Giovanni] has a book — a religious book — in the classroom. He's not permitted to read those books in my classroom".   Apparently she had not read my blog.  Apparently she did not know that liberalism has peaked right along with the credit.  So instead of Dad just saying, "oh, OK, well you are the big authority here and so we'll all just go along with any arbitrary rules you make up", Daddy decided to take it up with the teacher's bosses who just put the stall on.  After going through all the proper escalation protocols, Daddy lawyered up.

He sought help through the Liberty Institute which sent a scathing demand for
  1. an apology.
  2. a public proclamation to the fact that kids would not be discriminated against in this manner going forward.

Knowing what I know, there is about a 99.999% chance that the school is going to cave.  These liberal bureaucraps saw how the Duck Commanders got attacked publicly.  They saw the resulting beat down that A+E got.  That message rippled across our society.  That message got people's attention.  Do these "educators" want to risk a similar public smack down by trying to resist at a time when the pendulum is swinging away from liberalism??  All I can say is that it would be indeed ill advised according to my models.  They should just apologize and bow out of the argument as quickly as possible if they have even a modicum of common sense.

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